how to Install Pod File in MAC

  1. Close your project.
  2. open terminal on you MAC.
  3. Write this line :
    • CD "Copy Your Project URL and PAST Here." Enter it 
  4. Write this line
    • $ sudo gem install cocoapods
  5. Then write a password on your MAC.
  6. Then :
    • $ pod init
  7.  OPEN pod file and write you want to be install a pod, in our case we will install AFNetwork
    • platform :ios, '8.0'
      target 'TargetName and your project name' do
      pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'
    • version of your pod is optional. 
  8. Then install it :
    • pod install
  9. Then open file :
    • App.xcworkspace   

    I Hop you Enjoy this tutorial keep touch in this blog for more update  


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