How to Create SceneDelegate object in swift 5 Xcode 11*

How to Create SceneDelegate object in swift 5 Xcode 11*

  • In Below aversion of Xcode 11 we are used ApplicationDelegate object for Access ApplicationDelegate class object. In Xcode 11 new Thind are introduce is that is SceneDelegate.
  • SceneDelegate delegate is helper class of ApplicationDelegate.
  • ApplicationDelegate is manage multiple things in preview so there is multiple junk code is write there. So Apple is  divide in two Parth 
  • *First* :- Application Launch, Redirection, or etc.
  • *Second* :- After Application Launch State like DidBecomeActive, WillResignActive, WillEnterForeground, DidEnterBackground.

In First step All Applications launch and Redirection and all other thinks related application is do here.
In second step After the lunch application do any this is done by SceneDelegate.

So work of Application delegate is residence 

Now how to crate SceneDelegate Object to access that that functions and objects.
Here is both Object to access

let sceneDelegate = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first?.delegate as? SceneDelegate

let applicationDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate


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